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Behind the Brew: An Interview with Tina, Founder of Hoogly Tea


Hi Tina, can you introduce yourself and what inspired the creation of Hoogly Tea?

Yes, be delighted to, I am a Danish Brightonian who is a qualified chef, worked in the hospitality industry for many years and one day (10 years ago) decided to create my own tea brand which initially was going to be a hobby but that eventually turned into a full time career which I very much enjoy, as I love tea :)


Hoogly Tea stands out for its focus on “hygge,” the Danish concept of coziness and

well-being. How did this influence come about?

So being Danish it made sense to create the teas based on the Nordic lifestyle, Hoogly, is the pronunciation of the adjective Hyggelige.  It’s cherishing all the simple things in life and making them extra special.  So, the teas all have an hygge touch of indulgence to them from the aroma to the taste and would need to take the time out to enjoy them not a quick brew. Living in the moment is key to this lifestyle.


What’s the process for selecting or creating a new tea blend? Do you have any

favourite ingredients or themes you like to incorporate?

For me often childhood memories, things I love which could taste great as a tea, like the Danish Pastry is based on my favourite treat from the Danish bakeries also known as the ‘Chocolate Snail’.  Also has to be wide variety to serve every pallet, as what one person might love the other may loathe. 


What’s next for Hoogly Tea? Are there any exciting new blends or projects on the


Yes, there will always be exciting new blends on the horizon and always working to being as sustainable as we can be.


If you could share a cup of tea with any historical figure or tea enthusiast, who would

it be and why?

This is a great question, hmmm not sure if this person likes tea but would love to share a cup with Hunter Doherty ‘Patch´ Adams, I find him very inspirational, his unselfish nature to help so many people and bring so much awareness and happiness, he thinks outside the box too which I really admire.


Have you tired our quiz? We are keen to know what type of tea you are?

I did thank you and I was actually quite mixed, between Cosy Chamomile and Earl Grey


Most importantly, what is your favourite?

My Favourite is Green and White teas, so I mainly drink the Classic Green and Sparkling White, but in the evenings, I love to enjoy the Danish Pastry, Chill Out mint or Cosy Chamomile.


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